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Xiashihezi Formation
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Xiashihezi Fm base reconstruction

Xiashihezi Fm


Age Interval: 
P2 (34, 36-43), Guadalupian Epoch [Middle Permian]

Shanxi, Jiangsu, Henan, Anhui, Liaoning

Type Locality and Naming

The type section is located in the Shihezi Trench of the Chenjiayu area in the East Hills of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. It was named by Norin E. in 1922.

Synonym: Lower Shihhotse Fm

Lithology and Thickness

Clastics and Coal. In the type section the formation represents a suite of sandstone, shale, coal and manganese-iron-bearing river-facies clastic rocks, the sphere of which begins from the “Luotuobozi Sandstone” (Luotuobozi Greywacke) to the top of the “Taohua Shale”, with a thickness of 79-170 m. It is commonly subdivisible into two lithologic members. Lower member is 48-97.8 m thick, with its lower part consisting of the Luotuobozi Sandstone, and with its upper part consisting of yellow-green shale. In the Qiligou and Luotuobozigou areas of West Hills of Taiyuan City the Luotuobozi Sandstone is composed of three layers of yellow medium-, and coarse-grained sandstones (they are in ascending order the quartz-greywacke, the quartz-sandstone, and the feldspar-quartz-sandstone), intercalated with grey-yellow shale and thin-bedded coal layers, with a thickness of 21-27.8 m, which had merged into one layer while departing from the West Hills of Taiyuan City. Upper member is 66.3-72 m thick and represents interbeds of yellow-green medium- and coarse-grained feldspar-greywacke, quartz-greywacke and yellow-green shale, with its top part being possessed of two layers of bauxitic shales with oolitic texture. In Shanxi Province the sandstone-clay ratio in the Lower member is a bit higher than that in the Upper member, while in the Lower member there are well-developed siltstone and shale, intercalated in most cases with carbonaceous shale and thin coal layers, bearing a darker color. The siltstones in the Upper member are mainly yellow-green and apricot yellow in color, but with a poorly developed schistosity. There occur also manganese-iron-bearing and bauxitic siltstones, followed by the starting of occurrence of purple layers, with the sandstone-clay ratio reducing from north to south, and with the sandstones being changed from the yellow-white and grey-yellow ones to the brown-yellow and yellow-green ones, together with their granularity getting finer, and the composition and texture maturities are getting higher. The color of the shale (especially for that in the Upper member) is changing from being darker to being brighter, and from being grey-green- and yellow-green-colored to being apricot-yellow-colored. The “Taohua Shale” in the upper member has a better development towards south.

The thickest part of the whole formation is seen in the areas of Taiyuan and Yangquan Cities. It is getting thinner to both the southern and northern flanks of the region. In the southern part of North China, the Xiashihezi Fm (the Lower Shihhotse Fm) represents an important coal-bearing stratum which in the western part of Henan Province comprises the lower sandstone layer containing siltstone fragments and coaly debris, with a thickness of 10-20 m; the middle interbeds of thin-bedded medium-grained sandstone and sandy siltstone, containing ferruginous oolites or concretions, with a thickness of 50-60 m; and the upper grand purple stratum, with a thickness of 6-10 m, which is correlatable with the Xiashihezi (Lower Shihhotse) Fm in the vicinity of Taiyuan City.

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Conformable contact with its underlying Shanxi Fm

Upper contact

Conformable contact with the overlying Shanshihezi Fm

Regional extent

Distributed extensively in North China. In the central and northern parts of North China the “Taohua Shale” is distributed extensively and is characterized by a special lithology which is commonly regarded as a sign for dividing the strata concerned into the Shanshihezi Fm (Upper Shihhotse) Fm and the Xiashihezi Fm (Lower Shihhotse Fm). In the area of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province the formation is also known as the Purple Coal Layer, which is composed of grey, dark-grey and grey-green shale, sandy shale and fine-, and medium-grained sandstone, containing 4 coal layers, with a thickness of 72-300 m. In the Yongcheng area of East Henan the formation is composed of dark-grey and grey siltstones, which are rich in sideritic oolites and contain 3 coal series, as well as grey-white sandstone and siltstone, with its base consisting of K5 sandstone, with a thickness of 78 m. In the Huainan and Huaibei areas of Anhui Province the formation is composed of light-grey medium-, and fine-grained sandstone, grey-black siltstone and siltstone, with its base consisting of bauxitic siltstone. In the Huaibei area it contains 3-6 coal layers, while in the Huainan area it contains 9-13 coal layers, with a thickness of 66-168 m. In the Yuzhou area of Henan Province the formation is composed mainly of yellow-grey, grey-green mingled with purple-spot or purplish red siltstones, sandy siltstones and siltstones, intercalated with coal seams and many layers of sandstones, with the basal Shaguoyao Sandstone and its overlying Grand Purple Sandstone serving as good marked beds, yielding brachiopod fossils represented by Lingula sp., with a thickness of 307 m. In the Benxi area of Liaoning Province the formation is composed chiefly of yellow-green sandstone, intercalated with purple shale and siltstone, with its top part consisting of bauxitic shale (Bed A), with a thickness of 206 m. In the Tangshan area of Hebei Province the formation used to be known as the Tangjiazhuang Fm, which is composed of grey-white sandstone and siltstone, intercalated with a small amount of purple siltstone, with its top part consisting of bauxitic siltstone (Bed A), with a thickness of 150-270 m. In the Zibo area of Shandong Province the formation is divisible into the Heishan Member and the Wanshan Member, with the former consisting of yellow-green and grey siltstone and siltstone, intercalated with sandstone, containing thin coal seams (known as the purple coal in Southwest Shandong Province), with a thickness of 86 m; and with the latter consisting of quartz-sandstone, intercalated with purple siltstone, with a thickness of 140-250 m. In the Hancheng area of Shaanxi Province the formation is composed of yellow-green sandstone, siltstone and siltstone, with its middle and lower parts containing coal seams, with a thickness of 70 m. Up to the Hulusitai area of the Helan Mt. the formation is composed of yellow-green shale and sandstone, intercalated with black-grey shale, yielding a great amount of plant fossils (phytolites), belonging to the middle phase of the Cathaysia flora represented by the Alethopteris norinii-Emplectopteris triangularis-Tingia carbonica-Cathaysiopteris whitei assemblage.




In the area of the southern margin of North China the formation yields brackish-water animal fossils and charophyte fossils. For instance, in the Yongcheng area the hangers of coal seams in the three coal-bearing formations yield the Paracuneatochara yongchengensis; in the Xinan area of Henan Province it yields such brackish-water bivalves as Naiadites? sp. and insect fossils such as Aissoblatta brachyna, Ptytoblatta parviradia, etc. In the Yingshan area of Huainan region it yields such brachiopods as Lingula sp., etc.


late stage of the Yangsingian Epoch = Guadalupian Epoch [Middle Permian]

Age Span: 

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    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

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Depositional setting

It is interpreted as river-lake facies clastic deposits, with the coastal peat-bog facies being found only in the early stage of its formation. In the Pingding Mt. area of Henan Province to the Huainan area the formation represents delta-facies deposits.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wang Rennong